Friday, September 5, 2014

Edwin Santiago
Stuff you want to know about me in Graphic Design 1

1. My computer experience- I've been using computers all my life i know to how to create and edit things like music, documents,pictures, and presentations.

 2.My experience with Photoshop and Illustrator- For my junior and senior i took digital design and photoshop.

3Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Yes i do and no it doesn't.

4. What is your major ? My major is game design but I'm doing this for animating.

5. What do you hope to get out of this class? I hope to get a better understanding of animating with vectors and controlling the movements of digital objects.

6.Who is your favorite artist? Music: Slipknot Art: Francis Bacon (yum) :P

7.Who is your favorite musician? Don't have just one...JK myself.

8.Tell me something interesting about yourself? I can play seven different instruments including guitar,bass,piano,drums,violin,banjo,and keyboard. I have somewhat of a dark sense of humor. i enjoy making dubsteps of popular video game songs. I have ADHD, dyslexia, and OCD(legitimately diagnosed) I enjoy drawing and creating creepypastas which are internet stories meant to be scary or unnerving(like slender man for instance is a creepypasta) and i'm going to be a dad in november.

9. Write a five line story?
Once upon a time there were five lines. Each line was a different length than the others. The biggest line was in charge of all the other lines , but one day the littlest line was strolling the the woods when he came upon a river. The littlest line then saw a baby rectangle on the other side, fearing for the baby's life he called the biggest line. When the biggest line showed he too saw the baby and tried to rescue him, but it was a ruse and the other four lines jumped out and cut him down to size. They then used the biggest lines little bits to create a bridge across the river, and that's when they crossed the line.
The End :)

Post an image on the blog.

Painting By Francis Bacon.

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